Listes des publications de l'UR Biomasse, Bois, Energie, Bioproduits

Recherche avec (typedocprecis)/3a/3b/(annee.gte)/2010/(ur-id)/673 URL:

Functional trade-offs are driven by coordinated changes among cell types in the wood of angiosperm trees from different climates. Zhang G., Mao Z., Maillard P., Brancheriau L., Gérard B., Engel J., Fortunel C., Heuret P., Maeght J.L., Martínez-Vilalta J., Stokes A. 2023. New Phytologist, 240 (3) : p. 1162-1176
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Influence of physical-anatomical wood variables on charcoal physical-mechanical properties. Couto A.M., Monteiro T.C., Trugilho P.F., Lima J.T., Moreira da Silva J.R., Napoli A., De Almeida D.P. 2023. Journal of Forestry Research, 34 (2) : p. 531-538
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Inheritance and quantitative trait loci mapping of aromatic compounds from clementine (Citrus × clementina Hort. ex Tan.) and sweet orange (C. × sinensis (L.) Osb.) fruit essential oils. Ferrer V., Costantino G., Paymal N., Quinton C., Perdomo E.C., Paoli M., Mournet P., Ollitrault P., Tomi F., Luro F. 2023. Genes, 14 (9) (n.spéc. Genetic Mapping in Plants) : 19 p.
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IRGWP: An international network of key players for a better understanding and industrial developments in wood protection and preservation. Candelier K., Stirling R., Humar M., Ross L. 2023. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 358 : p. 3-6
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Irrigation in Jatropha curcas L. cultivation and its effect on biomass for bioenergy generation. Cabral Cezario L.F., Dias Junior A.F., Moreira da Silva A., Almeida Santos O.N., Meza Ucella-Filho J.G., de Paula Protásio T., Profeti D., Saloni D., Rousset P. 2023. Journal of Cleaner Production, 429 : 11 p.
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Life cycle assessment of a novel tannin-boron association for wood protection. Hu J., Skinner C., Ormondroyd G., Thévenon M.F. 2023. Science of the Total Environment, 858 (1) : 9 p.
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Natural durability of 8 tropical species suitable for structural roundwood: Laboratory screening tests for resistance to fungi and termites. Leroy M., Candelier K., Damay J., Bossu J., Lehnebach R., Thévenon M.F., Beauchene J., Clair B. 2023. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 358 : p. 15-29
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Revealing potential of waste fibers from timber production and clearings for the development of local bio-based insulation fiberboards in French Guiana. Bossu J., Moreau J., Delisée C., Le Moigne N., Corn S., Sonnier R., Viretto A., Beauchêne J., Clair B. 2023. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 14 (12) : p. 4281-4295
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Survey on the natural resistance to decay of five hundred tropical wood species. Candelier K., Gerard J., Thévenon M.F., Thibaut B. 2023. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 358 : p. 53-65
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Synthesis of potassium polyferrite KxFeyOz heterogeneous catalyst for sunflower oil ethanolic transesterification. Ouédraogo I.W.K., Happi Tchuessa E.B., Sawadogo B., Mouras S., Blin J. 2023. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery : 12 p.
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Nombre de pages : 2
Nombre éléments : 20
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